Ghost Hunting Devices
This device, like other REM Pods, uses a Junior Theremin circuit, which can usually be purchased online for between $10 - $15. They create a magnetic field around the antenna. When disturbed, the circuit produces a tone, which changes pitch depending on proximity.
Simple tests show that two-way radio can easily interfere with this device, causing it to sound off from over thirty feet away - and through walls/floors/ceilings.
These are both electromagnetic field meters. They measure, on an analog scale, between 0 and 10 mG. Ghost hunters believe spirits either produce or affect EM fields, and thus any "unexplained" EMF anomalies could be an indication of spirits.
These meters, as with most low-cost models, are single-axis meters, meaning it only reads on one axis at a time.
Custom Spirit Box
This custom Scooby Doo spirit box was made especially for me by Bob Christopher. The device scans through the available radio frequencies, allowing all sounds to come through the speaker. The "sweep rate" is adjustable, allowing the stations to cycle through faster or slower.
Spirit boxes are radios, doing exactly what radios have done since humans started using radios.
Ghost Hunting Devices
There are so many different gadgets being used by ghost hunters these days. Thanks to online "stores" that don't worry about making good on specific claims, people are free to build and present gadgets that "detect, capture, and/or communicate with ghosts." This issue is, these claims are not supported by valid data/evidence. Based on many baseless claims, groups are purchasing expensive gadgets that indicate EM fields, static electricity, temperature changes, and so on. Some gadgets reportedly allow ghosts to communicate with you, via words in a databank - though, the process is sketchy, at best.
Below are examples of various devices that have been used over the years, along with short descriptions and my own opinions. As I acquire additional items (when donated), I'll add them to this page.
Vibration Activated Light Sphere
This item, marketed to ghost hunters, is a repackaged cat toy. The "ghost hunting" version was sold at 3X the normal price, and boasted upgraded components. When investigated, disassembled, and compared with the original cat toy, it was found to be identical - no upgrades at all. For more information, see Kenny's article Investigating A Spirit Communication Device-A Cat Toy
Ovilus 1
This device, marketed directly to ghost hunters as a communication tool, clearly states 'For Entertainment Purposes Only" on the front. It seems to use an algorithm to randomly select words from an internal library. There has never been any scientifically valid testing that concluded this device can be manipulated by ghosts. This is an overpriced novelty.
Radio Shack Hack
A common device in the early 2000s, this was a radio sold by Radio Shack. Ghost hunters would open the case and sip a specific wire, which would disable the device's ability to stop on a station after scanning. This allowed the radio to continuously scan through the available AM/FM frequencies without muting the sound. Ghost hunters maintain this is a legitimate way to communicate with spirits. It is not.
Parascope 360
This ghost hunting device, built by Paranologies, is promoted as a "Triboelectric Field Meter". It operates on a simple static meter design first designed and patented by William J Beaty in 1987. Using two MPF-102 transistors, the device reacts to static electricity by randomly illuminating LEDs. It is not capable of measuring field strength or direction. The Paranologies website states "Take it to an investigation, set it on the floor at least 3-5 feet away, and ask questions. You will be amazed on [sic] the responses you get if its [sic] indeed a haunted location" ( 2019). Kenny did this on multiple occasions, and the device did nothing, which was expected. This device is not a reliable tool for investigating alleged haunted activity; it is an overpriced novelty that is highly susceptible to false-positives . Static electricity, generated by the friction of clothing, can easily cause this device to light up. This item was donated to Kenny after the original owner had no luck using it. Conclusion - this is an overpriced novelty item that has no purpose in investigating paranormal claims.
For more information, see Kenny's article Triboelectric Ghost Hunting Device
The K2 Meter
This is a Safe Range EMF meter, aslo known as a "K2". It is a single-axis meter, meaning that it can only read one (of three) axis at a time. The device must be rotated on all three axis in order to get an average reading. The metal rods in this model were installed by Kenny as a visual indication of the three axis. Since this device can only provide general ranges, it is not an accurate tool for proper investigations. In addition, ordinary electrical devices, including two0way radios, can cause the meter to light up.
Digital Voice Recorder
Common devices used during "EVP Sessions" (Electronic Voice Phenomenon), in which ghost hunters claim to capture voices of ghosts/spirits that are usually not heard during the initial recording, only on playback.
Laser Grid
The laser grid has become a popular "tool" among ghost hunters in recent years. The device uses a splitter to create a wide spread grid of dots, which ghosts hunter use to detect movements in the dark.
IR Temperature Guns
These devices measure surface temperature based on the infrared radiation of an object. Some ghost hunter believe these devices can detect intangible forms of ghosts/spirits.