Cursed Artifacts

Cursed Items

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Skull Ring (Cursed)

The previous owner, Jim, purchased this at an antique shop in New Mexico. Jim states, "I put the ring on, and it felt first. About an hour later, I felt this burning sensation on my finger. I tried to pull it off, but it was stuck, and the burning was getting unbearable. I finally ripped it off, and a chunk of my skin over the knuckle too. I took it back to the shop owner, but he wouldn't take it back, because he swore it must be cursed, and now it had my blood on it. He threw me out of the store!" Eventually, Jim moved to New Jersey and attended the ParaUnity conference, where I met him. Hearing of my skeptical nature (from several of my ghost hunter friends), Jim offered the ring to me to see if I could come up with an explanation for his experience.

After speaking with him several more times, I found the most likely explanation is that Jim had a severe case of Contact Dermatitis, which occurs when your skin comes into contact with an irritant that causes a reaction. Jewelry containing nickel or gold can cause allergic contact dermatitis if a person has an allergy to these metals. The ring likely contains nickel, which Jim later found out he was allergic to. 

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